Friday, December 03, 2004

A personal thought on Gmail

I have been using Gmail since 23rd May 2004. With over 700 messages and almost 30MB of space used, I don't think that I have ever used a better web-based email service ever, considering I have been using web-only e-mail since the start of Hotmail.

Despite the fact that both Yahoo and Hotmail increased their storage space for their free accounts, the features and the overall look and feel are no match for Gmail. I know, I know, not everyone has a Gmail account at the moment, but trust me when I say this, whoever has one is not using any other email accounts.

The only regrettable fact is that Google still has not releases it to the publicly as they are still in testing phase. But if anyone does need a Gmail invite, just post a comment on this article and I will send an invite to your email address, provided I still have any. However, that said and done, some of the cool features of Gmail are conversations, the really powerful search feature (of course!) and the completely secure connection. The moment you login to the moment you logout, the connection is still secure. This cannot be said of any other email service as with Yahoo and Hotmail, the only time you login is the connection secure.

The best part I enjoy about Gmail is that since it is only limited to a few number of subscribers, it is amazingly fast. Plus the lack of banners and ads make it even more faster. All the drama about privacy breach as a result of the text ads based on the content of your emails is, basically, a load of crap. If anyone is so concerned about that then they have a choice not to join. Its not as if Google is forcing anyone to join Gmail. It is, of course, a corporation which will need to earn money to provide a free service. And the text ads, I don't even notice them at all.

Well, lets hope that Google decide to launch this awesome service to everyone, instead of a select few, including me, hehehehehe...

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