Sunday, December 12, 2004

A personal thought on MSN Spaces

So MSN started Spaces... Well is Microsoft ever going to start something new or are they always going to be try their hand at something that has already been started by someone else. So I just logged on to MSN spaces and it was not really that great. Blogger is still the best blog-hosting site that I have come across. Spaces is already has had some controversy with the terms and conditions stating that Microsoft has the right to edit your blogs, something I read on a news web site the other day.

But to be honest, Spaces has just started and Microsoft is not going to let this go down so easily. They have had a lot of bad publicity over the recent times, what with IE and Longhorn.

I will give Spaces another shot, but I dont think that I am going to be blogging there for a long time. rocks!!!

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