Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Software that turns writings into 3D images

Scientists have developed a software that can turn written languages into 3D images. Researchers led by Pierre Nugues at Lund University in Sweden have developed the software called 'CarSim' that analyses eyewitness accounts of an incident - in Swedish - to determine the positions of the vehicles and people involved, reports New Scientist.

"It is able to cope with potentially ambiguous statements like 'it overtook without signalling' by looking at their context to work out what the word 'it' relates to," the report said.

The software can interpret everyday written language, used to turn descriptions of an event such as a road accident, into 3D images.

The researchers hope it will help people visualise a complex chain of events such as the build-up to an accident, or as a training aid to teach drivers about safe driving.

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